Cheryl Fleisher Wins Everyday Hero Award From RSVP
RSVP (Retired and Senior Volunteer Program) is one of the largest volunteer networks in the nation for people 55 and over. Many Greeters and office volunteers are referred to Big Apple Greeter by RSVP, so when they asked us to nominate one of our volunteers for their Everyday Heroes award, we chose Cheryl Fleisher, who is the living definition of that term.
Cheryl began volunteering for us in 2017 and immediately made a huge impact. She got us involved for the first time in on-line and peer-to-peer fundraising. She was the driving force behind our 2017 Giving Tuesday and Year-End campaigns, which doubled the amount of the previous year from $20,000 to $40,000.
And she co-created our Inheritance Giving campaign. Only a year later, we already have 40 people signed up.
So on September 20th, RSVP held a Recognition Breakfast honoring Cheryl and other New York winners. The breakfast theme was the 50th Anniversary of Woodstock. They titled the event: PEACE, LOVE AND SERVICE: Celebrating Our Groovy RSVP Volunteers.
As the winners were announced, peace, love and harmony permeated the room. The celebration was held at Con Edison’s grand ballroom at 4 Irving Place. Con Edison graciously provided the food and the ballroom. There were about 20 tables in total, each with decorations such as multi-colored peace signs and tie-dyed napkins.
To say the breakfast was “far out” would be an understatement. But for us, the best part was when Cheryl was called to accept her award. Having one of our own receive an honor she richly deserves…was delicious.