Thank you for honoring Lynn's vision of a better world!

Your support has made the Board Matching Grant campaign a success!

It’s a Family Affair
Matching Grant Honors Lynn Brooks

When Lynn Brooks founded Big Apple Greeter in 1992, her three sons weren’t surprised. They knew their mother loved New York City.

And they knew she was committed to making a better world because of her long career in social justice and human relations. Their father Stan was Lynn’s biggest fan and supporter, and he shared her belief in the power of personal connections to break down barriers.

Ten years after Lynn and Stan’s deaths, their youngest son Bennett — now a Big Apple Greeter Board member — calls the organization’s continued impact “an amazing legacy.”

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This year, in honor of Lynn, Stan, and everyone who has believed in our mission for the last 31 years, our Board of Directors will match up to $20,000 in donations made to Big Apple Greeter by midnight (EDT) on Saturday, September 30.

More than 130 Greeter programs worldwide were inspired by Lynn’s dedication to creating a better world by connecting people from different places and backgrounds.

The programs honor her memory every year on September 10, International Greeter Day and Lynn’s birthday.

At Big Apple Greeter, we work every day to turn Lynn’s vision into reality. We are proud that the Brooks family — including Bennett and his brothers George and Rick (below) — remains committed to our mission. Whether you are a visitor, a volunteer, or a friend, you are also part of the extended Big Apple Greeter family.

Rick Brooks says that Lynn’s drive to break down barriers between people was “always a part of her.”

George believes that Lynn’s interest in social justice and global responsibility was nurtured when she met humanist educator Don Irish while attending a summer camp. The two became lifelong friends and carried on a decades-long conversation about ways to foster the kind of world they wanted for their children and grandchildren.

That conversation continued over the Brooks dinner table as the boys were growing up.

They were adults by the time Lynn was mulling the ideas that became Big Apple Greeter, and she called on them for help in developing strategies and solving problems in the early days. Closer to home, Stan Brooks’ long career as a journalist in New York meant that he could offer insights into which city officials were key to getting the fledgling organization off the ground. Getting in the door and securing their support was up to Lynn.

Big Apple Greeter’s continued work 31 years after our founding is proof of the strength of Lynn Brooks’ vision. It’s a vision that resonates globally, with volunteer Greeters welcoming visitors in towns and cities around the world. Everyone who has taken part in a Greet as a visitor or a volunteer has benefitted from that vision and become part of an international family of people committed to breaking down barriers and building connections.

By donating in honor of Lynn and Stan Brooks this September you will enable us to secure the maximum possible match from our Board and help the Big Apple Greeter family continue to grow and welcome new members. Thank you!

Big Apple Greeter is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.